Saturday 12 October 2013

Engaging Rotary

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.- Helen Keller

The KISU Interactors had their very first opportunity to work in collaboration with The Rotary Club of Kasangati on Saturday, the 12th of Octorber 2013!
^(from left to right) Nathan, Sadiq, Mahdi, Karan, Zara, Anthony, Shahinaz (Interactor), Siddiquah, Edoardo (KISU Interact Club vice president), Ingrid (KISU Interact Club president), Naomi, Sandra (Interactor), Albert, Mrs Sophie B (KISU Interact Club patron)

The Rotary Club of Kasangati was celebrating Health Day on this day and the Interactors had the chance to help out their Mother Club by assisting the sales and the medical care section. The Interactors seemed to be inspired by the skilled Rotarians and here are some photographs from the occasion: 

 ^Albert with the local kids at the Bazaar 

^Edoardo (left, KISU Interact Club vice president) and Karan, filling syringes. 

^(left to right) Anthony, Zara and Naomi at the medicine counter.

 ^Albert taking the blood pressure of a patient. 

 ^Anthony writing the names of the patients. 

 ^Sandra (Interactor) assisting the sales section.

 ^Mahdi (right) and Sadiq assisting the sales section. 

^Nathan taking care of the finances.

^Ingrid (KISU Interact Club president) with the local kids. 

^Siddiquah helping at the medicine counter.

^Ingrid (Interact Club president), Mahdi and Nathan at the sales section.

^Edoardo (KISU Interact vice president) 

^Edoardo (KISU Interact Club vice president) with Siddiquah and Sandra (Interactor) 

^Ingrid (KISU Interact Club president)

On behalf of all the Interactors I, Ingrid, would like to thank the Rotary Club of Kasangati for hosting us and allowing us to participate in their activities. Many volunteers seemed to be inspired and I can only hope that we can work collaboratively again in the future. 

On another note, I hope that the Interactors have a wonderful midterm holiday and have enough time to prepare for the impending bake sale on mole day! :)

-Engage Rotary, change lives-