Tuesday 7 July 2015

As stated in our previous post, our aim is to illuminate the lives of those who need our help, and we decided to help a woman named Margaret living in the suburbs in Kampala.She has Ovarian cancer and many theories have said that it occurs when some cancer-causing substances enter the body through the uterus and fallopian tubes which eventually reaches the ovaries.As a club we each brought 3 non perishable items that we would take to ther when we visited her. In addition we were able to give her 500,000 UGX for her medication. We wish her a quick recovery.
The tombola that was held before the end of term 2 was a huge success and we managed to raise about 420,000 UGX.  This is how the game worked: each participant had to pay 2000 UGX, then they had to pick a number and that number would correspond to one of the items displayed. 

Sunday 8 March 2015

Health day

The KISU Interactors had their second opportunity to work in collaboration with The Rotary Club of Kasangati on Saturday, the 7th of march 2015.
Some of the interact club members who participated at health day!

The Rotary Club of Kasangati was celebrating Health Day on this day and the Interactors had the chance to help out their Mother Club by assisting the sales and the medical care section. The Interactors seemed to be inspired by the skilled Rotarians and here are some photographs from the occasion: 
Drishik, Cate and Preethi working at the HIV testing center
Cybille working in the pharmacy section and distributingvitamins

Aquilah working in general medicine and pharmacy section

Brenda and Andrea hadnign clothes to the kids

Brenda and glory

some patients getting their eye tested

On behalf of all the Interactors I, Cybille would like to thank the Rotary Club of Kasangati for hosting us and allowing us to participate in their activities. All of the interactorsnot only enjoyed the experience. Many volunteers seemed to be inspired and I can only hope that we can work collaboratively again in the future. 

-Engage Rotary, change lives-

Sunday 22 February 2015

Valentines day Fundraiser

As part of our valentines day fundraiser, we sold roses at KISU and we successfully managed to raise 300,00 thousand Ugandan shillings. Each rose included a card on which the sender could write their own message.

The Interact Club would like to extend our gratitude to everybody who purchased roses and contributed. And to those who didn't, there will be many more fundraisers to come! Keep an eye out and thank you for taking your time reading this. 

-Engage Rotary, Change lives-

Sunday 14 December 2014

Handing the Science Equipment

After our second fundraiser, together with our previous fundraisers the interact club of KISU was able to raise 700,00UGX. Fortunately with that money we reached our goal and we were able to buy science equipments for the students. Some of the equipment we bought include microscopes, prisms, lenses, wall thermometers, magnifying glasses, measuring cylinders and beakers. Even though we were not able to see the students on that day, the Interactors of KISU were able to hand the equipment over to the teachers,. They were very grateful and we hope that those equipment will enhance the performance of the science students. 
-Engage Rotary, change lives-

Second Fund raiser

As stated in our earlier post, our aim is to improve the lives of those who need our help. Since we are still working with Sir Apollo Kagwaa Memorial Primary school we decided to hold Movie night at KISU. This was a memorable event because as a club we worked as a team and made it was a huge success. In total we were able to make 420,000 and we will be using this money to buy science equipment for the students at Sir Apollo Kagwaa Memorial Primary School. 
It is not doing the things we like to do, but liking the things we have to do that makes life blessed.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
preparations before the movie night with KISU interactors

selling goddies at the movei night

The Rotary I would like to see

During the month of October, the Interact Club of KISU entered a writing competition held by the Rotary Club of Kasangati. Four other schools took part and each president from their Interact Club had to write an essay about what they would like to see Rotary around the world achieve in the future. Some of the things i talked about was how  everyone from Interactors to Rotarians must be involved in different projects to improve the lives of people or individuals. In addition, more young people right from the age of about twelve should become involved in Rotary because that way, doors will be opened to different perspectives and ideas. Fortunately the essay that I wrote was chosen as the best by the Rotarians of Kasangati and we were also given 120,000 UGX. This also gave me the opportunity to read my essay out loud which was a great experience.

Rotarian of Kasangati awarding the certificate

Reading the essay