Sunday 14 December 2014

The Rotary I would like to see

During the month of October, the Interact Club of KISU entered a writing competition held by the Rotary Club of Kasangati. Four other schools took part and each president from their Interact Club had to write an essay about what they would like to see Rotary around the world achieve in the future. Some of the things i talked about was how  everyone from Interactors to Rotarians must be involved in different projects to improve the lives of people or individuals. In addition, more young people right from the age of about twelve should become involved in Rotary because that way, doors will be opened to different perspectives and ideas. Fortunately the essay that I wrote was chosen as the best by the Rotarians of Kasangati and we were also given 120,000 UGX. This also gave me the opportunity to read my essay out loud which was a great experience.

Rotarian of Kasangati awarding the certificate

Reading the essay

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