Friday 12 September 2014

The Rotary Cancer run

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the interact club members and other school staff as well as Rotary club participants who took part in the marathon which occurred on the 31st of August. This was a huge success because not only did our interact members participate but other citizens in Kampala supported us. The aim of this run was to help to support the building of the hospital for cancer patients. This really meant a lot to us because it will enable us to help and aid the lives of those who are suffering out there with cancer.

Sir Apollo Kaggwa Memorial Primary school

This term as a team we will be working with a Sir Apollo Kaggwa Memorial Primary school. We will be organizing fundraisers in order to provide with them with some of the science equipment that the children need. So far for our first fundraiser, we organized a bake sale which took place on the 4th of September at the Kisu swim gala. We were able to raise 145,00 Ugandan shillings. In addition we are also planning to host a school pool party in October so that we can be able to reach our goals.

Kisu Interact Club 2014-2015.

Hello Inter actors,

My name is Cybille Ishimwe and i am the new president of the Interact Club at Kampala International School. I was a member of the interact club last year and this year the Interact club nominated me to be their president. Some of the things that i would like to achieve this year as president is to identify our club member's skills interests, and harness harness them in club projects. In addition to that I would like to work to ensure that the club activities and service projects are successfully promoted and carried out. lastly to delegate responsibility to help other members of the club develop their leadership skills. As inter-actors our main goal is to illuminate and help lives of those who are in need. I look forward to working with our team members this year.

Cybille Ishimwe

Wednesday 3 September 2014


It has been a year since I was elected as the president of the Interact Club of KISU, and my time has finally come to an end. It is bittersweet to let it go, but I am glad that the Club legacy will remain at the school. This blog will be updated by the new members of the Interact Club from now onwards.

I would like to thank everybody who contributed to the club in any way during my period of presidency. I am so grateful for all that the Interact Club of KISU has given me and everything I was able to achieve. Never will I forget to engage Rotary, and change lives.


Interact Club of KISU President 2013-2014