Sunday 22 September 2013

First fundraiser

This blog will be solely run by the Interact Club members of Kampala International School in Uganda. This club was founded this academic year by Mrs Sophie B, who is the director of public relations at Kasangati Rotary club, here in Kampala. 
Our aim is to illuminate and aid the lives of those who are in need of our help, and as a part of our first Interact project we conducted a fundraiser this week which successfully raised 317,000/= Ugandan Shillings (which would be equivalent to about 124.26 US$). Below are the pictures which depict what the fundraiser was about. 
 ^the president of Interact Club 2013-2014, Ingrid Saito in DP1 
 ^More than 120 roses were sold on Friday the 20th of September 2013-teachers' appreciation day.
^All the roses were hand-wrapped by the president of the Interact Club. Each rose included a card on which the sender could write their own message.

The Interact Club would like to extend our gratitude to everybody who purchased roses and contributed. And to those who didn't, there will be many more fundraisers to come! Keep an eye out and thank you for taking your time reading this. 

-Engage Rotary, Change lives-

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