Friday 27 September 2013

Second fundraiser

It is not doing the things we like to do, but liking the things we have to do that makes life blessed.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Hello Interactors!
Our dear friend Josephine was able to go to her checkup with the money we raised and her results came back today. It turns out that she had been straining her right leg too much and it would be vital for her to have a walking stick/single crutch in possession. Also, her right hip joint has dug 4cm into the pelvis thereby causing her pain and discomfort.
So in order to help her with her situation, the KISU interact club is aiming to raise over 300,000 Ugx in our second fundraiser to cover for her medication, crutches and custom-made 4cm platform shoes. 
Fortuanately, the head of our science department has lent us a helping hand. Every year, the science department hosts what is known as "mole day" on October 23rd. On this day this year, many activities will be carried out (like simple games for primary school-pupils) and a bake sale. Our generous head has decided to donate all the profit from the bakesale towards Josephine's well-being. We will be updating you with more imformation soon. 

A massive shoutout to you, Ms Catalina! 

-Engage Rotary, change lives-

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