Sunday 14 December 2014

Handing the Science Equipment

After our second fundraiser, together with our previous fundraisers the interact club of KISU was able to raise 700,00UGX. Fortunately with that money we reached our goal and we were able to buy science equipments for the students. Some of the equipment we bought include microscopes, prisms, lenses, wall thermometers, magnifying glasses, measuring cylinders and beakers. Even though we were not able to see the students on that day, the Interactors of KISU were able to hand the equipment over to the teachers,. They were very grateful and we hope that those equipment will enhance the performance of the science students. 
-Engage Rotary, change lives-

Second Fund raiser

As stated in our earlier post, our aim is to improve the lives of those who need our help. Since we are still working with Sir Apollo Kagwaa Memorial Primary school we decided to hold Movie night at KISU. This was a memorable event because as a club we worked as a team and made it was a huge success. In total we were able to make 420,000 and we will be using this money to buy science equipment for the students at Sir Apollo Kagwaa Memorial Primary School. 
It is not doing the things we like to do, but liking the things we have to do that makes life blessed.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
preparations before the movie night with KISU interactors

selling goddies at the movei night

The Rotary I would like to see

During the month of October, the Interact Club of KISU entered a writing competition held by the Rotary Club of Kasangati. Four other schools took part and each president from their Interact Club had to write an essay about what they would like to see Rotary around the world achieve in the future. Some of the things i talked about was how  everyone from Interactors to Rotarians must be involved in different projects to improve the lives of people or individuals. In addition, more young people right from the age of about twelve should become involved in Rotary because that way, doors will be opened to different perspectives and ideas. Fortunately the essay that I wrote was chosen as the best by the Rotarians of Kasangati and we were also given 120,000 UGX. This also gave me the opportunity to read my essay out loud which was a great experience.

Rotarian of Kasangati awarding the certificate

Reading the essay

Friday 12 September 2014

The Rotary Cancer run

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the interact club members and other school staff as well as Rotary club participants who took part in the marathon which occurred on the 31st of August. This was a huge success because not only did our interact members participate but other citizens in Kampala supported us. The aim of this run was to help to support the building of the hospital for cancer patients. This really meant a lot to us because it will enable us to help and aid the lives of those who are suffering out there with cancer.

Sir Apollo Kaggwa Memorial Primary school

This term as a team we will be working with a Sir Apollo Kaggwa Memorial Primary school. We will be organizing fundraisers in order to provide with them with some of the science equipment that the children need. So far for our first fundraiser, we organized a bake sale which took place on the 4th of September at the Kisu swim gala. We were able to raise 145,00 Ugandan shillings. In addition we are also planning to host a school pool party in October so that we can be able to reach our goals.

Kisu Interact Club 2014-2015.

Hello Inter actors,

My name is Cybille Ishimwe and i am the new president of the Interact Club at Kampala International School. I was a member of the interact club last year and this year the Interact club nominated me to be their president. Some of the things that i would like to achieve this year as president is to identify our club member's skills interests, and harness harness them in club projects. In addition to that I would like to work to ensure that the club activities and service projects are successfully promoted and carried out. lastly to delegate responsibility to help other members of the club develop their leadership skills. As inter-actors our main goal is to illuminate and help lives of those who are in need. I look forward to working with our team members this year.

Cybille Ishimwe

Wednesday 3 September 2014


It has been a year since I was elected as the president of the Interact Club of KISU, and my time has finally come to an end. It is bittersweet to let it go, but I am glad that the Club legacy will remain at the school. This blog will be updated by the new members of the Interact Club from now onwards.

I would like to thank everybody who contributed to the club in any way during my period of presidency. I am so grateful for all that the Interact Club of KISU has given me and everything I was able to achieve. Never will I forget to engage Rotary, and change lives.


Interact Club of KISU President 2013-2014


Tuesday 5 August 2014

Rotary Cancer Run 31st August 2014

Rotary Club will be hosting the 2014 Cancer Run on the 31st of this month! 

The proceeds from this event will go to the construction of a cancer ward in Kampala, so make sure you show some support by taking part! 

It will be at 7:00 AM at the Kololo Airstrip on the 31st of August (as mentioned earlier) 

You are free to choose between the following races: 5km; 10km; 21km. 

The charge is only 10,000/=

See you there!! 

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Quick announcement

The Interact Club of KISU will be taking some action as soon as exams are over, as Rotarians should strive to be the most educated, ambitious, well rounded and the perfect role model for all.

Meaning club sessions will resume once the exams are done. Good luck everyone!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Who we are and what we've done so far...

The Interact club of KISU (2013-2014)
The Interact club of KISU was founded by the director of public relations at the Rotary Club of Kasangati, Mrs Sophie Bamoweraki, in September 2013. Since then the club has prospered from having only two Interactors to over twenty active members. Initially the Interact club collaborated with a teenager named Josephine, a sickle cell anemia patient in rural Kampala. Her father passed away from the disease when Josephine was younger, and her mother had recently lost her job. Through organization and conduction of several fundraisers, the club was able to raise over 1 million Ugandan Shillings which was used to purchase a crutch, medication, shoes (specially designed for her as her right leg was four centimeters shorter due to her medical condition), and enabled Josephine to get a general check up as well as an X-ray scan of her hip. Although this was a small-scale project, there was nothing small about Josephine and her mother’s smiles of gratitude. 
In October, the Interact club of KISU had their very first opportunity to work as an arm of the mother club, The Rotary Club of Kasangati. The Interactors had the chance to aid the community by assisting in the public sales and healthcare sectors. It was a touching experience especially because the Interact club of KISU encompassed several future doctors and they were able to get a glimpse of their potential career. Another prestigious event the members of the Interact club of KISU were able to attend was the Rotary International Presidential New Generations Africa Conference 2013. The Interactors were blessed enough to be able to exchange a few words with the Rotary International President Mr. Ron Burton and his wife, Mrs. Burton. The conference gravitated around the theme of empowerment and it was a poignant event which deeply touched many Interactor’s hearts. 
The Interact club of KISU, evidently, was gaining momentum and developing more courage and knowledge to tackle down larger projects, which led the club’s collaboration with Sir Apollo Kaggwa Memorial Primary School Manyagwa Gayaza- a local primary school with a deficit in fundamental resources such as notebooks and pencils. The president of the Interact club of KISU then bowed to provide them with the equipment needed to allow the pupils to soar. Interactors worked together to conceive completely revolutionized fundraisers such as “movie night”, as well as selling roses on Valentine’s Day. Ultimately the club was blessed with over 1million Ugandan Shillings (again!), in addition to the 100USD the district chair of Uganda and Tanzania donated to aid the club’s success. 
On March 17th, the club members were finally able to hand over the resources which had been purchased for the occasion, which included 2 netballs, 2 footballs, 1 world map, 1 pump, 2 javelins, 100 boxes of crayons & coloured pencils, 2 shot-puts, a tape measure and 315 custom-designed notebooks. 
They say that what you give is what you get, I, as the president of the Interact Club of KISU can only hope that the tremendous effort that the Interactors of KISU have put into the projects will fulfil their lives with nothing but blessings and pride to be an excellent ambassador of the International Action Club. 

Ingrid Saito